Embedded Systems

Grundlagen der Rechnerarchitektur

Dozent Oliver Bring­mann
Oliver Bring­mann

Vor­lesung Di­en­stags, 14 c.t. - 16
Sand 14 / A301
Übungsleitung Christoph Gerum
Christoph Gerum

Michael Kuhn
Michael Kuhn

Übungs­gruppe Mon­tags, 12 c.t. - 14
Sand 6/7 / Sem­i­nar­raum F122
Um­fang 6 CP (2 SWS)
Kur­sart Lec­ture + Ex­er­cises
Ein­trag im Kurskat­a­log Cam­pus
Lern­plat­tform Ilias

This lec­ture deals with the basic struc­ture of mod­ern com­puter sys­tems. Top­ics in­clude meth­ods for clas­si­fi­ca­tion and eval­u­a­tion of com­puter ar­chi­tec­tures, pipelin­ing for ac­cel­er­ated in­struc­tion pro­cess­ing, mem­ory hi­er­ar­chy and caches, main mem­ory tech­nolo­gies, vir­tual mem­ory man­age­ment, tech­niques for jump pre­dic­tion, com­mu­ni­ca­tion be­tween proces­sor and pe­riph­ery, and basic prin­ci­ples of hard­ware and com­puter de­sign.


  • D. A. Pat­ter­son, J. L. Hen­nessy: Com­puter Or­ga­ni­za­tion and De­sign: The Hard­ware/Soft­ware In­ter­face. Mor­gan Kauf­mann Pub­lish­ers Inc., 5. Au­flage, 2014.
  • D. A. Pat­ter­son, J. L. Hen­nessy: Rech­neror­gan­i­sa­tion und Rech­ner­en­twurf: Die Hard­ware/Soft­ware-Schnittstelle. Old­en­bourg Wis­senschaftsver­lag, 4. Au­flage, 2011.
  • J. L. Hen­nessy, D. A. Pat­ter­son: Com­puter Ar­chi­tec­ture: A Quan­ti­tive Ap­proach, Mor­gan Kauf­mann Pub­lish­ers Inc, El­se­vier, 6. Au­flage, 2018.


The or­gan­i­sa­tion of the cor­re­spond­ing ex­er­cises (group di­vi­sion, an­nounce­ment of times and rooms, etc.) takes place in the first hour of the lec­ture.